Cosmetic antibacterial zinc mask for skin care. The mask is white in color and it is for many people to use! For caring, calming and improving problematic skin · Washable and reusable Antibacterial effect · Protects against dangerous disease agents

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Cosmetic antibacterial zinc mask for skin care. The mask is white, and it is for repeated use. disease agents Filter more than 99.9 percent of the 5-micron particles, according to a laboratory test, and are a significant barrier against airborne spray that transmits harmful bacteria and viruses.

Onyx is proud to present an innovative and designed mask that combines style, protection, and facial skin health. You are invited to discover the unique properties of zinc, which contribute to the care of problematic skin and its protection. Onyx’s exclusive zinc mask will allow you to enjoy a wonderful cosmetic care experience, which will help free you from all the pimples and irritations associated with problematic skin. Our skin needs protection and nourishment 24 hours a day, 7 days a week… But today, we are regularly exposed to weather conditions and air pollution that can quickly damage our skin and dry it out. Modern face masks are supposed to be a protection against dangerous airborne particles, but they can also cause “maskacne” (acne caused by using a mask) due to the accumulation of dirt and sweat.

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